Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day #7- A Simple Prayer _ 40 days: Focus on my Family

Lord I thank you for this day.  I thank you for loving me unconditionally.  I thank you for grace and mercy that covers me.
I thank you for the opportunity to "pay it forward" with my family.
Because you loved me, I must love them.
Because you have been patient although I didn't always choose the right path, I must have patience when my children don't act the way that I'd like them to.
Because you don't keep a log of every misstep that I make, I must not keep score against my husband when he does something that I don't agree with.

As I strive to show love to my family, let me be reminded of the sacrifices that you made for me.  Help me to remember that I am not above them, but rather I've been giving the same amount of grace which is sufficient enough to cover all of mistakes.

I want to deliberately show concern toward my family.  I want to consciously recognize that they are my gift from God.  I want to respect the fact that I've been given this chance to be an extension of God's arms.

Lord please help me to see the beauty in the struggle, realizing that we have been placed in each others' journey for a reason.  My reason for being a part of their journey might be totally different  for theirs being a part of mine.  Nevertheless, we are all here to teach and to learn.  So God allow me to be teachable, even in my instruction.  Allow me to be compassionate, even in my structure.  Allow my family to feel your love through me.


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