Free yourself from your past and live in the moment!
You won't get very
far if your head is constantly on a swivel.
Eyes forward, heart lifted,
mind made up and moving forward!
I thought that was going to be all, but of course, in God-like fashion, He urged me to share the "back story" with you.
I wrote last month about how God gave me permission to leave my office job. To do what?, you ask. I still don't know, but I am working and waiting as the plan is slowly being revealed. Before I left though, I created folders and files for the next person who is to replace me. (Just to help make the transition a little smoother.)
I must admit though that I have been saying, that God took away my passion for the position so He could take me to the next level. This morning I received a revelation though..... perhaps God took away my passion for the position because He intends to take it to the next level through someone else. Though I did GREAT work and was quite innovative, perhaps God needed to move me out of the way to get that work done and to bless the next individual.
OUCH! For real God??!! That stings!
Sometimes we think that things happen to us and for us because God is going to bless us beyond measure. But what if it's not even about you? (and most things aren't) What if God really needs us out of the way because it's time to bless the next individual. (Maybe they are the one who is "next in line for a miracle" my Shirley Caesar voice.) What if He just needed us to prepare the way?
I'm reminded of the scripture that says,
1 Corinthians 3:6-8 --> 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
So I will end, with how I began the day: Free yourself from your past and live in the moment!
Interpretation please?!
The bottom line is that it doesn't matter who God uses to get His work accomplished. The point is that the work will get accomplished and God will still get the glory. So stop tripping!!!
That former job, that past relationship, your ideas that you put on the table, the connections that you made, the great job that you did was all wonderful and is a part of God's plan. You may have planted the seed or maybe you were the next person who came along and watered the seed...but only God can actually make the seed grow. So get over yourself and be just be available to be used. Then when it's over, walk away with a smile on your face, knowing that you did YOUR part.
This was so real for me this morning that it brought me to tears, while I was driving my car. In my own egotistical self-righteous mindset, I was actually looking to get credit for all I had done. But my spirit man awakened in me and told me to be humble, realizing that I was simply an instrument that God chose to use during a particular season. That season of my life is over and it's a good thing!
Just like we have four natural seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall.....God doesn't intend to keep us locked into one thing. The winter has to surrender the cold, so the spring can bring forth tiny buds on the trees. The spring has to surrender the rainy season, so the flowers can blossom in the summer. The summer has to surrender the heat, so the coolness of the fall can flow through. The fall has to surrender it's colorful leaves, so the winter can storm through and freeze everything over, just to start the cycle over again with a fresh, clean slate. No season is better than the other.. each is different!
So I will end, with how I began the day: Free yourself from your past and live in the moment!
Appreciate where you are right now and always be ready to be moved into your next season. No apologies, no excuses, just surrender. Because once you surrender your will, God has a way to bless you right where you are ( probably because you are now humble enough to realize that this whole thing is NOT about you).
Side note: After I cried and surrendered my feelings and emotions, I received a call from someone who wanted to move a meeting up with me. I think it was just a tiny reminder from God that, "if you move yourself out of My way, I can bless you and blow your mind".
I encourage you to get out of your own way, recognize that you are a PART of God's plan and not the entire plan, surrender your season and walk it out....
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