You've been talking about it, but you haven't acted on it yet.
You've been awakened at night with only this on your mind, yet once you were fully awake you began to doubt your ability.
You talk about it constantly with friends, yet when given the opportunity, you shy away.
You've even prayed and asked God for direction, He showed you the path, yet you decided to turn around and head the other way.
What are you so afraid of?
Do you think that if you truly walked in your calling, your friends would walk away? (They're probably not your real friends.)
Do you think your family would think you're crazy? Maybe you've heard this before..."How are you going to leave that good-paying job to do THAT".
Do you think that if you start it and somehow it doesn't work the way that you anticipated, you'll be embarrassed and have to "eat humble pie"?
So what?
What if all of these things do happen? What if you're family and friends do treat you differently? What if your first attempt doesn't have the success that you had initially intended? So what if you takes you a longer time to get there?
The fact of the matter is, you have experienced failure before. At some point in your life, you have failed a test or two, yet you still graduated. At some point in your life, you've experienced a horrible break up, but you're more discerning than you were before. At some point in your life, you've had to eat different flavors of humble pie, but you're still standing. At some point in your life, you've been in a financial situation, so broke is not a new concept to you.
You've experienced all of this before, so stop acting as if you don't know what to do. You know that all you have to do is stop, assess the situation, pray, turn around, redirect and strike out again. But you will notice that the next are stronger, wiser, more resilient, more focused and more determined.
You are able to carry the vision, because God gave the vision to you.
People will be blessed and inspired, once you begin to walk in your calling and follow your dreams.
You will learn and grow from the past and catapult yourself into your destiny, if you allow yourself to be open to the infinite possibilities.
My friend it's alright to be afraid, as long as you're not crippled by it. There is no secret takes hard-work, salty tears, prayer and resolution. Your journey may look totally different from the one who is running beside you...that's alright...just stay in your lane.
Now go lace up your tennis shoes and walk it out...
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