Monday, April 29, 2013

Mother's Day Tribute to my Mommy, Nelda J. Mattison

As Mother’s Day 2013, quickly approaches, realizing that this will be the first year that I don’t have my Mommy to celebrate with, several questions enter my mind.

1.     How should I feel since Mommy is not here?  Afterall, she is my mother and this day is set aside to honor all mothers.
2.     Should I just boycott the day and all of its celebrations?
3.     Should I cry every time someone says “Happy Mother’s Day”?
4.     If I am actually happy on that day, will I dishonor her memory?

These questions are all based upon the “voices in my head” that are constantly ringing.  There have been so many people that have shared their experience with me of losing their mother.  “ Girl, after my mother died, I just fell apart.  I cried all day, every day”.  They meant well, but oftimes they would impose their experience on me, as if that should also by experience.

So if I don’t go through or feel the same way, do I love my mother any less?

Well, of course not!

This Mother’s Day I CHOOSE to celebrate life like never before.  My mother lit up this earth for 74 years.

She lived.
She taught.
She encouraged.
She prayed.
She fasted.
She uplifted.
She corrected.
She cheered.
She cried.
She sang.
She wrote.
She walked.
She danced.
She praised.
She kissed.
She cuddled.
She wiped.
She loved.

She poured herself daily and unselfishly into so many others, so that we could experience the many joys of life.  She instilled confidence in me, so that I would be strong enough to go out into the world and conquer it.

Shouldn’t I be depressed and devastated that she is no longer physically present in my life?  I could be, but I choose not to be.

I CHOOSE to celebrate the part of Mommy that lives in me.  Even as she lay on her deathbed, she was unselfish.  She began calling the names of each of her children: Barry, Garry, Sharri and Torre and prayed for us.  She was pouring out of her spirit and still speaking into our lives; the same way she had always done, since we were children.  And when it was finally time to say goodbye and she was done pouring out…she allowed Daddy to pour into her.  On that glorious day of PEACE, Daddy rubbed her forehead and sang to her a sweet melody.  She stopped long enough to allow him to bless her, before she departed this earthly home and changed residence to her Heavenly home.

Again I ask, should I be disheartened?  NO.

I miss her, but I know that she has simply changed positions.  Instead of getting on her knees, alongside the bed, or sitting upright in a chair praying, she now sits at the right hand of the Father pointing down at us.

“Lord, do you see my husband  James down there and my children and grandbabies? Oh look at  Momma, she looks so good ... Nita and Celestine take good care of her.  Please continue to bless them Father.  Allow James to feel you God, especially since I am not in the apartment with him.  Well actually, I guess I am…
Do you see where he hung my plaque and our wedding picture?  Right at the front door! He really does love me! Lord, I just can’t wait to see the mirror that he is going to hang up, behind the couch; the one that we talked about getting.  I know that he is going to be alright, because the kids are going to look after him and make sure that he is well.  Oh yeah Lord… that was pretty righteous how you hooked up my baby boy with a great opportunity.  Yes God, I can't help but  sing your praises ALL day, because you’ve been so good!”

Sad? Maybe a little...
But still rejoicing because since I was introduced to Nelda J. Mattison, nearly 42 years ago, my life has been blessed.  She poured out and into me, so that I, in turn, could pour into others. 

I love you Mommy and I say, Happy Mother’s Day!  Knowing you the way that I do, you have probably written another little song or ditty to all of those who were once earthly mothers.  How do I know this? Because that’s just you! 

I’m head over heels in love with you Mommy!

Your # 1 and only baby-girl,
Sharri Lor