Saturday, November 24, 2012

Welcome to our new journey!

Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread on, 
that have I given to you, as I said to Moses.
Joshua 1:3

Soul 2 Sole Doctor

First, let me begin by introducing myself.  My name is Dr. Sharri Lor Mattison Coleman.  I am the wife of an extraordinary man, mother of 2 dynamic sons, daughter of phenomenal praying parents, podiatrist, professor at a major university, choir director, women’s ministry leader, public speaker and so much more. Yet I realize that those are just titles for the various hats that I wear from time to time.  The question must be asked at the end of the day, “Who am I… really? “  So let me reintroduce myself to you.  I am encouragement; I am calm; I am love; I am confidence; I am hugs and smooches; I am gentle-spoken word; I am reassurance; I am progress; I am steady pace; I am living in the moment.

This blog is something that emerged over the 2012 Thanksgiving holiday, just by talking with a good friend.  I have been writing a book for the past 3 years. The first chapter has been written, edited and formatted; but it’s not ready to be birthed.  Every time I would get to a place and begin writing, my well would just dry up and I would be quickly distracted by the next task.  Another friend, who is an author and publisher, always encourages me to write a little bit each day.  So here I am at Day #1.

The name Soul 2 Sole was given to me when I was in podiatry school. I thought that would be the name of our family business.  The soul portion referred to my husband, the minister and the sole portion referred to myself, the foot doctor.  In more recent years, I have realized that my wholeness comes from incorporating the mind, body and soul.  This is indeed my calling and what God intends for me to embody and “walk out”.  I am in a process and a path that only God knows in its entirety, but one that I am willing to explore.  I have a strong desire for others to walk out their destiny, by realizing the greatness and potential that lies within.  So begins my work speaking life to you from your soul to your sole.  As a physician, my goal is to encourage families to live healthy and fulfilling lives.  As an African American physician, my desire is to go into the African American community and share specific health concerns that can be tackled and overcome with a little work and discipline.  As an encourager, my desire is to show others that you can walk toward your God-given destiny, by living in the moment, leaning on God and learning to laugh out loud.

So I invite you to walk with me weekly and experience what God has in store for each and every one of us.  Allow me to be God’s mouthpiece from time to time.  Did God stop speaking when the last word of the Bible was written?  I think not. Over the years, He has given men and women words of healing, prophecy and plain old common sense to be shared with others.

Whether we tip-toe in Manola Blahnik’s, run in Nike or Adidas, step in Payless sandals or prefer to go bare foot…God has a path that we all must follow. The Bible says in Joshua 1:3,  I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised.”   I invite you to discover your own path for your life and “walk it out” with me.